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- The Misogi Challenge
The Misogi Challenge
A Japanese Ritual
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The Misogi Challenge
The Origin
The Misogi challenge is a concept originating from Japanese culture, specifically from Shintoism, a traditional religion in Japan. The term "Misogi" (禊) refers to a purification ritual that involves cleansing oneself of impurities, both physical and spiritual, in order to attain a state of purity.
In a broader sense, the Misogi challenge has been adopted outside of its religious context and has become associated with personal development and self-improvement. It involves setting an extremely challenging goal or task for oneself, something that pushes the individual far beyond their comfort zone physically, mentally, or emotionally. The purpose of the challenge is to push one's limits, overcome obstacles, and emerge stronger and more resilient as a result.
Misogi challenges can vary widely depending on the individual and their goals. It could involve extreme physical feats like enduring long periods of intense training, surfing waves way out of your comfort zone, running ultra-marathons or climbing mountains. Alternatively, it could involve facing deep-seated fears, confronting difficult truths about oneself, or pushing through mental barriers.
Overall, the Misogi challenge is about embracing discomfort and adversity as a means of personal growth and transformation. It's a way of testing one's limits and discovering untapped potential.
I discovered the concept of the Misogi challenge on a YouTube short and then found the whole video of a guy named Jesse Itzler explaining his modern day approach to this old Japanese ritual. If you don’t know Jesse Itzler, punch his name into YouTube, he has some good content. Watch the full video here.
Jesse said, “The notion around the misogi is you do one big year defining thing every year”.
For 2024 I had already pulled the trigger on a couple things:
Launch business idea January 2024 . This is what you are reading now. It’s first evolution! Big things in the pipeline…
Run a half marathon - 17th March 2024. Here is the 8 week training schedule I’m using here.
Here is where I’m at so far:

8 Week Training Schedule
Go Bigger
After watching this video explaining the concept of the Misogi I thought why stop at only ‘one’ year defining thing this year. Why not more! This has propelled me to go even bigger! So, what else have I added to the list for 2024!
Run the Perth 32km 28th April 2024.
Run Rottnest Island Marathon 16th June 2024.
Going Even Bigger
The training involved to accomplish great things requires discipline to consistently work hard toward anything you want to achieve. Well, June 2024 is only half the year, so what’s next? Training for these long distance runs is no joke. It’s hard and there is a lot of suffering along the way. The prospect of going bigger is scary. There are a couple other races I’m considering which right now seems impossible. However, breaking the 4-minute mile was thought to be physically impossible until Roger Bannister achieved this in 1954! In short, anything is possible if your willing to put in the hard work, day in, day out!
Yaberoo 50km Ultra Marathon 20th July 2024
Feral Pig 100mi (161km) Ultra Marathon 2nd - 3rd November 2024
Running & Surfing
You maybe asking what’s all this running got to do with supercharging your surfing. Well, it’s not so much about the running. Although, running will definitely build on your cardiovascular endurance, this is more of a byproduct. Pushing yourself past the limits of what you thought was possible for yourself builds mental fortitude. Your year defining Misogi’s will start to compound propelling your forward toward greater feats that will spill over into other areas of your life. You will create momentum and changes within yourself to motivate you into new self disciplines that will push you forward. When you translate this to surfing, how are you pushing yourself to define real turning points? What could be on your list?
Developing a consistent and militant sport specific training routine to propel your surfing forward.
Perhaps you flexibility is terrible and you need to commit to a long-term stretching/yoga practice.
How’s your diet looking? Do you need to stop eating so much shit? Educate yourself and cut down on the sugar intake and try to eat a more whole foods diet and less processed foods.
Are you drinking too much alcohol? Ask yourself if your drinking habits are moving further away from where you want to be. Maybe you need to cut back or just throw in the towel on the booze!
Maybe it’s time you pushed yourself deeper and at waves of more consequence.
Plan a surf trip to a new destination with waves that are out of your comfort zone. Get there and commit 100%. Don’t half arse it and reap the rewards!
Whatever your Misogi challenge make sure it falls into this framework. Make it a positive year defining accomplishment to supercharge your life and your surfing experience.
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